Terms & Conditions

Please see individual catalogues and price lists of our Collections, in your preferred currency.


Carriage will be charged at cost. We use the post for small parcels and DHL/FedEx for larger parcels to UK and Europe and, FedEx to America.


Goods should be inspected at time of delivery and any loss or damage must be reported within 14 days and confirmed in writing to info@leatherunlimited.co.uk


Our goods are hand made in Bangladesh and will normally be delivered to you within 8 weeks. Our warehouse department will inform you by email when we expect to be able to ship to you


Your first order will be by pro-forma invoice. Subsequent orders payment will be 30 days after date of invoice.

Terms & Conditions - Bespoke


All products have to be sampled first and the samples have to be fully approved by the customer before production can commence.

We charge for all samples including their related block charges, our sample administration charge and the cost of sending them to you for your approval. The sample invoice will be sent to you with your samples for immediate payment. Everything is clearly set out for you in writing for approval and signature before we make any samples.

Should you not go forward with an order for all the samples made for you in good faith you will still be liable to pay for them including the second set of samples we make for reference, and their ancillary charges.

There is a Sample Administration Charge (SAC)  which is  reduced for a single sample. This contributes towards the very real administrative costs we incur in preparing your samples for you. The block charges and SAC are both one-off charges.

Our prices, block charges (B/C) and minimum order quantity (M/Q) per item are listed on our Standard Jewellers Packaging and all other product sheets in our Information Pack. These are for the standard products and depend on the colours chosen. Items not on these lists will be quoted separately.

Please note that unlike most embossing, the method we use is different and so each item has to have its own block to cover the whole surface of the item (Effectively we stamp the whole item except for the logo or design).  Thus a smallish pouch requires quite a large block to cover the whole piece of leather used.

If we make an error we will correct it free of charge.  If you change your mind or require alterations to the original sample requested, the new sample will be charged again, including a new block if needed. 


Orders can only be accepted on fully approved samples.

You will receive a fully detailed list of the items we have sampled for you, with prices and minimum’s listed clearly. If you are happy with the samples you can order immediately, otherwise we will need to resample, (which we will do as quickly as possible). Your order will be prepared and returned to you for signature of confirmation. At this point your deposit invoice will be raised and sent to you (see payment  below).  Orders can only be placed on receipt of payment of this deposit and, in the case of first orders, the sample invoice.


Every item is checked in London before it is sent out. As all products are hand made we do have some items which reach us in less than perfect condition.  This means that our deliveries are not always 100% of the goods actually ordered. In case you need a minimum number of an item for a special event for example, you will need to increase the order by 10% [5% on orders over 300 pieces per item]. In this case you are obliged to take all good product, which may be up to 110% of the original order.


We require 50% payment on account for all orders before production can commence.   We will send you a deposit invoice for 50% of the total cost of the whole order you have placed.  As soon as we receive payment your order will be placed with our suppliers and the expected delivery date will be confirmed.  The second 50% and shipping costs, if relevant, will be invoiced when the goods are shipped to you.  At this time any shortfall/extra supply of products through quality control or other problems will be taken into account so that on the payment of the second invoice you will only be paying for the exact amount of product you have received. The second payment is due 30 days from date of invoice.


We normally pack items according to size in cellophane outers in order to protect the products.  Should you require the items to be individually packed in cellophane, for gift items for example, please let us know on your order. We do not supply cardboard outer boxes with our products, as they are very expensive to make in small quantities


We will ask you where and how you would like your goods to be sent. When your goods are ready to ship we will fax or email you the final invoice and the packing list in order to notify you that the goods are being dispatched. 

Any missing or damaged goods received must be notified to us in writing within 14 days of receipt. Any errors will, of course, be corrected at our cost.